Trip 2. Day 4. June 27, 2019.

This morning’s sunrise was spectacular and breakfast sandwiches with fresh fruit started our day off right! Even Mother Nature seemed to be cooperating by providing us with many clouds and a pretty steady breeze. What a treat! Yesterday’s hard work set us up for a busy day. Our 3rd house, Toro’s, got started today and on the other two sites the work was constant. Mrs. Ferraro began her “school” with the younger children; coloring, writing their names, learning new english words and laughter were on her lesson plan. The students were finishing the last row of siding, completing the gabled ends, and even primed the homes. A small crew of Dominican workers put the zinc roofs up and provided GOES students with instructions and support. All were engaged and feeling productive! After today’s dinner of fried eggplant, pasta salad, and cucumber salad we discussed our highs, lows, and hopes [rose, thorn, bud] of the day and played games. Lights out at 11… a long and tiring day today and another lined up for tomorrow.